At Thistle & Wren, we are committed to providing our customers with a thoughtful range of high-quality preloved articles. We carefully review each article to ensure our standards of quality and relevance are met. Please note the following criteria for preparing your articles:
- Condition: We accept quality, beautiful, current articles in excellent condition. Articles should be free from stains, tears, pilling, excessive wear, or any form of damage. Zippers must be functional, and the overall appearance should be well-maintained.
- Cleanliness: Items must be freshly laundered with scent free detergent, clean, and free from animal hair or odours. We strive to maintain a hypoallergenic and pleasant environment for all our customers. Shoe soles must clean, free of mud and debris.
- Fashion Relevance: We seek articles that are in line with current fashion trends. Outdated or out-of-season items will not be accepted. We encourage you to submit pieces that reflect contemporary styles and trends.
- Variety of Items: In addition to apparel, we are looking for the following:
Maternity Apparel: Boutique brands and contemporary maternity wear. Footwear: Quality and gently used shoes. Toys and Puzzles: We particularly welcome wooden toys and puzzles, emphasizing eco-friendly and educational designs.
5. Sustainability Commitment: We encourage items that are made with sustainable practices, supporting our commitment to environmental responsibility.
Please ensure that your items meet these criteria before submission. Articles not meeting these standards will either be returned to you or donated, as per your preference.